Makarasana (Crocodile Posture). The posture is called Makarasana as the body resembles the shape of makara, which in Sanskrit means ‘crocodile’. Makarasana is a relaxing asana […]
(Cobra Posture) Bhujangasana comprises of two words – bhujanga and asana. In Sanskrit, bhujanga means cobra (snake) and asana means posture. In the final position of […]
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Posture) Sarvangasana comprises three words: sarva, anga and asana. In Sanskrit, sarva means ‘whole’ and anga means ‘parts of the body’and asana means’posture’.The […]
Ushtrasana (Camel Posture)In Sanskrit, Ushtra means ‘camel’. In the final position of this asana, the body resembles a camel. Hence, this is called Ushtrasana. This asana […]
Vrikshasana (Tree Posture). This is a balancing asana. The Sanskrit word vriksha means ‘tree’, thus, this is the ‘Tree Posture’. In the imagination of the tree, […]
Trikonasana (Triangle Posture). Trikonasana is made of two words: trikona and asana. Trikona in Sanskrit means ‘triangle’. In this asana, the body assumes the shape of […]
Sattu is considered a nutritious food. Sattu’ is your equivalent to a ‘WHEY PROTEIN SHAKE’. Made of roasted gram flour, this composition is one of the […]