Bhujangasana (Cobra Posture) I Benefits I Contradictions
July 13, 2020Ragi Ladoo I Gluten Free ladoo
July 13, 2020Makarasana (Crocodile Posture). The posture is called Makarasana as the body resembles the shape of makara, which in Sanskrit means ‘crocodile’. Makarasana is a relaxing asana to body and mind and is very beneficial for reducing stress.
Let us perform Makarasana by following the steps given below:
1. Lie down on your stomach.
2. Keep the legs at a comfortable distance with heels inside and toes pointing outward.
3. Fold arms at elbows, and keep them under the head.
4. Place the head on the cushion of the arms, close the eyes and relax.
5. To come back bring the arms along the body and legs together.
Remember the following points:
• Both elbows can be kept slightly apart if found difficult to put one above the other.
• Do a deeper abdominal breathing.
• Do not press the chest hard on the ground so that the breathing becomes uncomfortable.
• Do not bring the feet together.
• Traditionally it is a relaxing posture.
• It is beneficial in almost all psychosomatic disorders.
• It is beneficial for respiratory organs, as well as digestive organs.
• Those having complaint of obesity and cardiac problems should avoid this practice.
Preparatory Poses
GomukhasanaSetu bandhasana
Follow-Up Poses
Salamba Sarvangasana
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