Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Posture)
July 13, 2020Makarasana (Crocodile Posture) I Benefits I Contradictions
July 13, 2020(Cobra Posture) Bhujangasana comprises of two words – bhujanga and asana. In Sanskrit, bhujanga means cobra (snake) and asana means posture. In the final position of this asana, the body resembles the shape of a hooded snake, hence the posture is called Bhujangasana.
Let us perform Bhujangasana by following the steps given below:
1. Lie prone on the ground with forehead touching the floor; legs together, hands by the side of thighs.
2. Fold the hands at elbows and place the palms by the side of the shoulders, thumbs under armpits, with tip of the fingers not crossing the shoulder line.
3. Inhaling, slowly raise the head, neck and shoulders. Shoulders should be shrugged backwards.
4. Raise the trunk up to the navel region. Raise the chin as high as possible.
5. Eyes should be kept gazing upward.
6. Maintain the position for 5 -10 seconds or as long as comfortable.
7. To come back, bring down the upper part of naval region, chest, shoulders, chin and head.
8. Place the forehead on the ground and arms along the body, hands by sides of the thighs. Relax.
Remember the following points:
• Put minimum weight on hands.
• Distribute weight on the back .
• The trunk should be raised up to the navel only.
• While raising, shoulders should be shrugged bakdwards.
• Do not give jerk to lift the body.
• Do not allow the elbows to spread out.
• Do not raise the region beyond the navel region.
• It affects the spinal column and makes it flexible.
• It solves digestive complaints.
• It increases intra-abdominal pressure benefitting the internal organs especially the liver and kidneys.
• It relaxes both body and mind.
• Those suffering from hernia, peptic ulcer, intestinal tuberculosis
and acute abdominal pain should avoid this practice.
• Also avoid doing Bhujangasana if you suffer from Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.
Preparatory Asanas
Urdhav Mukh Svanasana
Follow up Poses
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